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About Leung Lok Hei Giraffe Leaves of white champaca, Hong Kong coins, traditional Chinese characters - these are but some of Leung Lok Hei Giraffe’s visual dialogues and emotional projections towards the intimate yet ever-changing elements that weave one’s imaginaries towards the constitution of Hong Kong identity. With an exceptional experimentation on mixed media and conceptual expression, Leung renders his artistic language a sensitive and thought-provoking channel in the re-imagination of our daily, local encounter. Anchoring on a myriad of mediums and materials, together with his personal sensitivity towards the dynamics between the seen and the unseen, Leung’s works seek to engage the audience with an experience that redirect their attention to happenings one shall never be accustomed to.


The artist continues his artistic experimentation with found objects and instantly reacts to the daily nonsense with his works. While rendering his works as a form of documentation, the artist also proactively engages the audience with an experience that probes a powerful reflection on the power dynamics between our daily encounter and biopolitics.


香港九十後青年藝術家梁洛熙,大學畢業後從事室內設計工作,一年多後全職投入藝術創作。作為藝術家, 梁氏一直關注香港的各種事物,例如本土文化、集體回憶、建築、城市發展等。 他在創作時所選擇的物料均 是一些曾經與我們生活式式相關,備受重視,卻在城市急速發展下被淘汰、遺忘的物件。


其中的一個作品系列,他選擇了樹葉作為媒體來探討香港城市發展使綠色土地減少,以及 大眾對環境保育意識薄弱的各種問題。 另一作品系列透過手寫繁字構成一幅幅畫面,表達其不能避免地面對 著電子通訊、圖像、語音傳訊等方式所帶來的挑戰。 他的香港錢幣系列則描述原有的硬幣,正在漸漸地被各 種電子及虛擬貨幣之交易模式所取代。


梁洛熙對香港一事一物的細微觀察,以及對所謂「常態」的反思,令他的作品宛如一個讓觀眾重新構想對香 港想像及一己身分認同的經驗。其對各種媒介的靈活運用,加上個人的情感投射,形成了一種別樹一格的藝 術語言。透過運用各式不同媒材,他的作品遊走於看見與看不見之間的曖昧,帶領觀眾重新經驗一些社會上 應該要被看見卻又被習以為常、視而不見的風景。


這一年間,藝術家繼續以日常現成物為創作媒介,在急速變化的不安日常中,以藝術創作即時回應社會荒誕 ;在記錄一切的異常之時,把藝術帶到街頭,與公眾一同反思周邊事物與身體政治的權力關係。

​© 2018 by GIRAFFE LEUNG. Proudly created with GIRAFFE LEUNG

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