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Chinese Characters Art   繁體中文字

Drawing by Traditional Chinese Characters 

Media : Traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters


(Alphabets and letters, which are being replaced by various electronic communication mediums and voice and image communications; even though alphabets and letters are the very symbol of human civilization)

媒介 : 繁簡體字



Text is the way to thinking and recorded to the history.
 - the history of Hong Kong

The image of the work is a scene in Hong Kong. The main purpose is to express personal feelings through works and to remind Hong Kong people of some humble trifles around them.

文字就是思考的載體 亦是歷史的記載 - 香港歷史



作品內容由手寫中文繁體字而成,因科技發展而漸漸被電子通訊、圖像、語音傳訊等新方式所取代,但文字卻是人類文明發展的歷史標誌,也是思想文流的載體。此作品用中文文字及文化描寫及繪畫出今時的光境,以一深一淺的筆觸勾畫出香港會議展覽中心的外貌。作品文字內容講述它的發展歷史、用途、活動、設施等(來源:維基百科)。全文共有15,625 字。,

Artwork Description:
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
The content of the artwork is made up of handwritten Chinese traditional characters, which are being replaced by various electronic communication mediums and voice and image communications; even though alphabets and letters are the very symbol of human civilization.


This work uses Chinese characters and culture to describe and paint the prosperity of Hong Kong, which are written in different pen thickness to form the layers of the artwork. The image of the artwork is the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The text in the work refers to the introduction of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, such as history, uses, activities, facilities, etc. (Source: Wikipedia). There are 15,625 words in total.

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Media : 繁簡中文字 (traditional Chinese  and simplified Chinese)
Size     : 760 * 760mm

粵劇 - 花旦
Cantonese Opera - Artress
Media : 繁簡中文字 (traditional Chinese  and simplified Chinese)
Size     : 760 * 760mm

chinese opera (1)_edited.jpg

粵劇 - 小生
Cantonese Opera - Artor
Media : 繁簡中文字 (traditional Chinese  and simplified Chinese)
Size     : 760 * 760mm

Tenement House
Media : 繁簡中文字 (traditional Chinese  and simplified Chinese)
Size     : 1050 * 750mm

tong lau_edited_edited.jpg
(WORDS)Victoria Harbour_edited.jpg

Victoria Harbour 
Media : 繁簡中文字 (traditional Chinese  and simplified Chinese)
Size     : 1200mmx2400mm

I have a dream
Media : 繁簡中文字 (traditional Chinese  and simplified Chinese)
Size     : 215mmx355mm

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