Giraffe Leung Lok hei, a post-90s young artist, joined the design sector after university graduation. After a year, he started to pursue his career in art creation as a full-time artist. Giraffe always pays attention to various things in Hong Kong - the local culture, the memories, architecture and urban development of the city, etc.
He loves to create art pieces which are related to Hong Kong by adapting different media and objects that are gradually being eliminated or sacrificed for the sake of urban development.
Such as leaves; the city’s development and the reduction of green lands have caused a general neglect for environmental conservation. Or alphabets and letters, which are being replaced by various electronic communication mediums and voice and image communications; even though alphabets and letters are the very symbol of human civilisation, Hong Kong coins, partially replaced by digital or other transaction methods.
作品所選用的媒體都是一些因發展而被遺忘的物件,例如 : 樹葉,因城市發展使樹木和土地減少,忽略了環境保育的重要;文字書信,因科技發展而漸漸被電子通訊、圖像、語音傳訊等新方式所取代,但文字卻是人類文明發展的歷史標誌,也是思想文流的載體。香港硬幣,因電子貨幣發達而使原有的硬幣被取代。